Monday, October 5, 2009

Apache Missing from Solaris 10

If you find you are missing your ‘built in’ apache2 installation, go back to your install media (or jumpstart image) and get the following packages:

Apache: SUNWapchS, SUNWapchd, SUNWapchr, SUNWapchu

Apache2:SUNWapch2S, SUNWapch2d, SUNWapch2r, SUNWapch2u

Install each using pkgadd.  Once you have done that, perform a kill -HUP on your /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd process (ps -ef |grep svc to get the processs id). or you will end up with a “svcadm: Pattern ‘apache2′ doesn’t match any instances” error when you run the svcadm startup command. 

Which happens to be: svcadm enable apache2
You’ll probably want to configure the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf as well.  (just copy over the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.example and edit the ServerName and ServerAdmin as a start.)

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